What Is It? And, Why You, TOO Should Street-Walk Hollywood & Sunset

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I LOVE L.A. Yes, I do. Say what you will about it — and you will be oh-so right — but living in Southern Cali is like no other for the stunning variety of food one can obtain and locally, reducing your chances of contributing to human exploitation (which is ALL around us). Yes, the Farmers of L.A. are awesome, friendly, and generous.

I often mention that I am “Sooooooo lucky!” and, wow, even I marvel sometimes at my good fortune! To have such excellent food at my leisure…it should be this way for every living being on this planet.

Whether you live in L.A. or are visiting, check out a few — at least — of the some of the best So. California has to offer. If you happen to be cruisin’ down Sunset, step on over to the Sunday morning festival that is (just one of) the Hollywood Farmer’s Market(s).

Okay, SO…What is it? πŸ™‚

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Mm, awful purty!

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Little fuzzy, aye? πŸ™‚

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Any ideas yet?

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Ah, hangs out with some friends…on a vine…

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C’mon, you green thumbers out there! Ever grown these in yer garden?

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Okay, let’s crack ‘er open…

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She breaches!

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Okay, NO, it’s not my brain…

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Though, I bet mine is greeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!Β Β  alien

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Oh, wait…ANOTHER shell??

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Okay, totally nude, you HAVE to know, now…No? πŸ˜‰

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Yes, Yes!!!

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You got it! Fresh, raw incredibly DELICIOUS Garbanzo Beans!! banana-banjo

Got’em at the farmers’ market! Still on the vines WOW! Forget the Lakers‘ slam dunk — this is a SCORE!!!!grn-wink

Here is a pod holding 2 little ‘peas:

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This one was interesting; it had one that was drying out already!

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I was kind of expecting it to be more flavorful, more savory; but, instead it had very little flavor at all. What a shame πŸ™‚

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Still purty, tho πŸ˜‰

Where I first learned that they even existed was at a Whole Foods in the refrigerated section, several years ago. I fell in LOVE with them! I recall trying to convince my fellow raw-foodie enthusiasts at the time they existed, but was met with a lot of dismissive resistance! Hmph. Okay, so more for me, Nyahh πŸ˜› Since that first time, I’ve not found them as often as I’d like; especially since I eat mostly raw. Now they are becoming more known as the blogosphere indicates!

Back to my Sunday …

So as the sun was waning, I took my bag O’ magic beans, and out to the patio…

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for some chick pea pickin.’

~~~ Ahh, yes, just like back in the old country, I do recall ~~~

Just kidding, lol Beans_Peas_pod

So we talked and picked…

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Rambled with hands busy…

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and picked….

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and reminisced some more…

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and the bowl was filling up nicely…

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…till my bowl runneth over…

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…almost πŸ˜‰ And while I cannot claim any “old country,” to my memoirs, relaxing, sharing, and picking over fresh legumes is quite enjoyable, and I now know why it’s so customary in some cultures to engage in such activity πŸ™‚ What a wonderful Sunday afternoon!

That evening, as every, I feasted! We feasted on fresh chick peas, fresh, first-of-season’s-sweet tomatoes (OH LORD, watch out!! I’ll be consuming loads of these cherry-sweet tomatoes through October!)


a few other simple foods (I won’t bore you further with the details πŸ™‚ ), all fresh from the farmers’ market.

And All was well with the world. πŸ™‚

~ *** ~

Speaking of the advantages of living in California, I have also the good fortune to have lived in various neighborhoods around Los Angeles, all rich with different ethnicities; ways; and customs. Flourishing and bringing life, culture, and wonderful experiences to us natives, they have contributed so much to Us All πŸ™‚ One such neighborhood had various Peoples from the region of the Middle East — O, the food! The markets! The colors! I recall running past many a group of two or more elderly women, dressed in traditional clothes, obviously brand new to this country, speaking and laughing in their native tongues. Along side them, large, old wooden buckets filled with some vegetable or other… They shelled and trimmed as they socialized, right there in their front yards;Β  no doubt a custom.

SO, my bowl full…

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…my heart and soul too :D, and I am grateful — and…

Sooooooooooooooo lucky!!! πŸ˜€

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So you can’t get these locally, you say? 😦  Well…

I am so excited to see these *FINALLY* catching on. Trader Joe’s had/has them every-so-often, shelled, in frozen bags, then — pOOf! Gone! One of things about TJ’s I don’t like 😑

There is a brand which is making itself more available around the U.S., “CaliFresh.” You can see they are in several chain markets — click here for those — so, “Yay” for that!! Even though not organic, you may want to give them a try. These are also available in Mexican markets, again, not organic, but why not try some? OR, heck, if you’re into gardening, how about trying to grow your own?! I’d love to. I’ve grown green peas and I can only hope fresh garbanzos would be so ridiculously easy! Those peas, by the way, were the BEST EVER, as I imagine your own,Β  home-grown foods are πŸ˜‰

A-a (34)I found fresh to freeze well too. Some may prefer a quick steam, unless one is accustomed to the taste of, say, raw peas — then the raw chickpeas would be quite enjoyable. Either way, it can hardly be argued that these are not the freshest chickpeas you have ever eaten! They are, to my delight, Greeeeeeeeeeeeen πŸ™‚ And a gorgeous green!

If you can find these at a farmer’s market, grab ’em. The worst that can happen is that you end up blending them into a green smoothie — now how’s that for tipping the odds? But trust me —Β  You will love these whether steamed or raw. Bean salad anyone?

A-a (47)The flavor, by the way, is much milder than any other raw legume. It has a nuttiness to it which is faintly reminscent of the dried cooked you know so well; however, this is just straight out unique tasting — highly enjoyable. Can you tell I like ’em? That familiar “raw” taste is also not dominant like so many raw peas and beans; these are softer than you will probably be expecting. Loads of flavor; no spicing required.

To cook these are also quite enjoyable, as it takes mere minutes to simply steam — Yep, minutes! And so delectable. Much like fava beans — another utterly delicious bean fresh, look for them and GET SOME — the quick cooking is a nice change. I have always loved my summer bean salads with fresh favas. DElicious, I promise you!

A_ (32)These green chick peas can be eaten and served just like you would edamame — either in their pods, or shelled — depending how you find them. I prefer in their pods, but shelled are great too. Just steam them or you can drop them in boiling water for a few minutes, if you like. No salt needed, these are delish on their own; however, spicing them, of course, gives you much more variety and you can prepare delectable little delights with the simplicity and ease of marinating in various spice blends.

Seriously, I’ll say it again: I don’t know anyone who eats better than I do _lol.Β  And you can feel that way too! πŸ˜€ The changing of the tastebuds is one of the more dramatic results from eating healthfully and abstaining from salt, and chemically-flavored and processed “stuff” often labeled as “food.” I’ve never eaten better in my life, not only nutritionally but also taste-wise.

I mentioned this before also: When you are willing to give up the foods you (think you) love, crave, “can’t do without forever,” you GAIN so much more! πŸ˜€ I promise!

Okay, I’m storing up:Garbanzos_Fresh_in-pods

I’m loading up on these babies to take me through the off season —Β  into the fridge, and into the freezer, sealed extra well for long storage. πŸ˜€

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So look for these! It’s that time of the year — Right Now! Go get some! Eat simply. No need for complicated meals! Try them in recipes or plain — Mmmmm, fresh chick peas! Give ’em a try!


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  1. veganbarbie said,

    June 15, 2009 at 7:46 pm

    ooh, good idea. I was in Pasadena last week but didn’t think to look for farmer’s markets. Fortunately the grocery stores had good produce too. Everything was good, but the nectarines were the best!


    • poxacuatl said,

      June 16, 2009 at 11:29 am

      Hey, Barbie, Girl ! Hey, you missed a pretty good farmers! Pasadena has a few good ones. But, yes, the markets — even regular supermarkets — have great produce, especially this time of year. Nectarines, you say? Oh, human…lemme tell you, that is only the beginning. Mid-summer you would faint from the ecstasy of the summer fruit Lol! The figs will send you into another world.
      Did you happen to go to the Rose Bowl? It’s a great place for exercising — any kind. For a few years, I ran it every day, three times around + hills and the perimeter above. Ah, those were the days of overtraining! lol. Nice place to walk, though, too: You get to choose from so many routes. You can go up hills — steady inclines, steep, or super-steep — or take it leisurely.
      Too bad it was June gloom when you visited! It’s normally not this intense! El Nino is supposedly coming…Good running weather, though πŸ˜€

  2. Argent said,

    June 16, 2009 at 8:30 am

    So beautiful!

  3. Argent said,

    June 16, 2009 at 7:05 pm

    I know just what you mean, too, about TJ’s being hit-and-miss — they’ll stock something delicious that brings you back, then disappoint you. I think maybe Trader Joe’s requires more of a farmer’s market attitude (go without list, leave with impulse buys).

    You’re making me long for L.A. with all this talk!

    • poxacuatl said,

      June 17, 2009 at 9:23 am

      My staple from TJ’s is toilet paper! Everything else may be gone tomorrow, but tp will always be there!

      Oh, and it’s finally getting sunny here πŸ™‚ What’s the weather doing down your way?

  4. kate said,

    June 16, 2009 at 8:50 pm

    I’ve never seen raw garbanzos before! I’ll have to check WF or my farmer’s market next time. They look amazing!

    • poxacuatl said,

      June 17, 2009 at 9:16 am

      Hi, Kate, thanks for posting! Yes, it’s exciting to find these, lol. Let me know if you find them or get to try some. And speaking of hit-and-miss — WF is too! I found them in the refrigerated section in a small 4- or 8-ounce little tub. There are always only a couple and the produce people always say they won’t be getting more.
      I think farmers markets or Mexican markets will offer the best chances!

  5. Argent said,

    June 17, 2009 at 1:03 pm

    Hit-and-miss weather here in NY! One day sunny, next day gray. The gray days are good for running, anyway!

    I’m glad the Golden State is glowing. πŸ™‚

    • poxacuatl said,

      June 18, 2009 at 8:05 am

      My favorite running weather too! I love the cool air and easy breathing, especially in the morning πŸ™‚

  6. Anon said,

    June 17, 2009 at 9:42 pm

    Now I know what they mean by vegan raw organic food porn. Those were some stunning pics.

  7. Mr. Curious said,

    June 30, 2009 at 1:30 pm

    These are beautiful indeed. I picked some up at a local grocery store but they are now out of them 😦 I got them in the frozen section (green chana) But they are not as good as the fresh ones.

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