Sweet Cherry Essene…


May as well start writing these down :D.  I made a few types of Essenes last week (see Monukka Essene Bread; here’s another one.

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Whenever I make things, I rarely to never use a recipe; AND I’m so bad at writing stuff down. Okay, the following is an example of a recipe I’ve made and previously not written out; yet I managed to do it ;).

This is whipped up, using a blender in minutes (you can use a juicer; I don’t bother). Just pop into the dehydrator (I like to crank it to highest temp) and let ‘er go — “set it and forget it,” haha 😀 The little loaf took several, no-hassle hours.

Essene is not for everyone; it is a sprouted (therefore, healthful 🙂 ), sometimes “raw” bread; but as with any recipe, you can tweak, add, modify to suit your tastes.

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This is a sweeter bread.  Make sure to blend till smooth!


Sweet Cherry Essene

For more thorough, step by step instructions (including sprouting your own grain) with pictures, click HERE.

1 C Sprouted Organic Kamut

1/2 C Dried Organic ~sweet~ Cherries

1/4 C Nut or Seed Milk (or water) to soak fruit*

2 tsp Vanilla

1/4 C or more Walnuts, finely chopped

Few scrapes of freshly grated Nutmeg


Zest of one Orange


(This is sweet and doesn’t need a sweet, date sugar topping, however, a ground nuts/coconut/seeds + spices would work, if you’d like)


Blend all in a blender till smooth and creamy. It takes some doing with Essene; use a tamper or shut off your blender and scrape sides. It will turn over and begin to emulsify and smooth.

Spread onto a parchment-lined dehydrator tray or cookie sheet. Dehydrate a until done, from 2 1/2 -6 hours (depending on method of baking and at what temperature).

*Notes: If I don’t have time to soak, just adding the 1/4 C liquid works. It’s just that some dried fruit is really stubborn and it may take a bit longer to  blend. It’s best to soak the dried fruit, and really doesn’t take much time. You can use hot water while you are getting everything together, and that’s usually enough too. If you soak, omit the 1/4 C liquid, but drain the fruit!

You can use just water or other nut or seed milk; I like sesame. Milks help a bit with the “raw” flavor.

This was blended very well, and this makes Essene miles better. The chunkiness is from the walnuts…




This dough is a bit looser, so it takes longer to finish dehydrate/bake (you choose). You can still get a little loaf out of it. Just use a spatula to shape it.I didn’t want it too thick, though…




There is enough to make a faster-baking flat one too…(or you can make a baby loaf 🙂 )



Cut these up and you have better-than-any-ol’-storebought (stale!) “raw” bar 😀


I mentioned athletes in my last post; these are good for  hardcore workout freaks 🙂 or youngsters who play hard. Preteens in my family love these sweeter ones.(Dr. Fuhrman has okayed these for children ages 1 and up!)

Sweet Cherry Walnut Essene Bread…





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  1. veganbarbie said,

    March 16, 2009 at 3:55 pm

    ooh, sounds good! I’ll try that when I get back from vacation. 🙂

    I know you don’t eat grains anymore but how do you resist this? 🙂


  2. poxacuatl said,

    March 16, 2009 at 4:09 pm

    Haha. No resistance involved, seriously. I have no desire for it. I’ve never not been around grains! I cook them regularly (in bulk, though) for my roommate. He’s on a grain-based diet (bird, you know) It’s just not an issue. I’m totally grain/starch cravings free. But, I’ve been 100% ETL for five years, so that helps, lol. It’s just like prepping other foods for friends and family — they have theirs, I have mines 😀

  3. veganbarbie said,

    March 18, 2009 at 7:17 pm

    say I decided this might be fun to make and take with me on vacation. Do you think it would work with frozen cherries or would that have too much liquid in it?

    • poxacuatl said,

      March 19, 2009 at 8:02 am

      Can you let them defrost and drain? After that, don’t soak them and it would work; but it would be less sweet and different in flavor. The dough may be a bit looser and take a bit longer.
      There is a difference between dried and fresh fruit, though. Like grapes wouldn’t work in place of raisins. But, yes breads can be made with fresh fruit.
      Personally, though, I think dried is best, and the result better.
      when are you leaving for vacation?

  4. veganbarbie said,

    March 19, 2009 at 5:26 pm

    I’ll go with dried, thanks. I leave for vacation on Monday. so I’d better get going on the kamut!

  5. June 21, 2009 at 8:02 am

    […] at the end of this post   ( Also see Sweet Cherry Essene recipe )*Essene, is a  Dr. Fuhrman-approved bread -find at end of recipe instructions* You have to go […]

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